Heyhey. so the paper1 doom dang day is overrr. wee. over and done with at last. soso. english! i chose the topic on traps. is it me or there was a topic trapped that was tested last year too? anyways. traps. so i wrote about the society and the world. we all live in a world of traps and how the media has slowly enticed us into ta blinded perception of things like beauty and stuffstuff. so i went on talking about beauty and how people are not judging them because of tatata i dont really feel like talking about it haha. ya basically it's just me and my philosophy shit. i just love writing about human inner emotional anatomy kinda stuff. deep. :P and ugh. i hate. hate writing on those kind of comparing your choices and take your stand for your choice kind of question. it's just stupid. and i think im gonna do quitre badly for the part two of the paper. :( i did not compare the other choices. i just went on and stated my reasons without mentioning or introducing about the other choices. ugh. okay then chinese. i was quite glad cuz..i understood the question. yay. and i just couldnt do those complain letters or report articles even though everyone says it was the easiest to score but given my weak foundation in chinese i dare not attempt such questions because i'd definitely not sound convincing in my paper. i wouldnt say i have done well for the chinese paper. but im just glad i didnt give up. i tried anyway. so :)