Melon, the pretty gal could be hilarious at times, sending me crazy messages. Here are a few of them locked in my hp for quite some time.
Comments: Always feeling suspicious over me studying. Making crappy jokes about iceandlime. -.-
Message 1: Lol iceandlime haha! Miceandslime mwahaha :P eh you studying now or what. Im looking through my test papers. See I so honest
Comments: After telling her she is so funny. Praising herself as usual..
Message 2: Wow i feel so achieved for being a clown. I found the graph and the circle tests so im just flipping through them. Honesty is the best policy, Hilwah :D
Comments: Being paranoid, viewers dont fret, its usual! showing off her impeccable spelling skills
Haha, it's hack not hag :P justina left it in school too. Omg scared i dont want to lose out to evil hilwah =X i'm eating fishballs now :D
Comments: tsk tsk non-stop self praising
Ya i'd have fishball cheeks wouldn't that be nice. And you certainly most welcomed to take pics of my nice fishball cheeks :D
Comments: Crazy mushroom head.
No! Yoohoo. I'd be busy running home like a madwoman and have lunch with my hothot bf(physics book) Haha :p sorry i can't help it! Even im laughing in front of my papers. hahaha. ok i know you want to say byebye. Bye! Cya tmr! Im actually going to sleep now. Another honest update :D
So here are the pictures of Melon, pretty gal, mushroom-head!

Cya soon! Hilz~