Tuesday, May 20, 2008


okay. it's been a long long time since this blog has been updated. so i thought i'd just add some 'live' to it now. haha. just watched some north korea films on youtube and some personal recounts on blogs and such. after ms tan showed the class a documentary on n.k, my interest on nk was drawn deeper in the life of nkoreans. im rather distubed. i just cannot imagine how life is in a confined deserted and so silent, so big and yet so small world. it's quite terrifying actually. reallyreally disturbed. it's so dull, so dry. scary and omg im sorry im just a student i hope no nkor reads this. :/ still, it's really interesting how a country can be soso paasionate about their leader and so devoted and loyal. united as a whole as well. but still.......

im feeling :/ hm.

k bye,