omgosgomgoshomgosh. DAVID COOK IS AMERICAN IDOL. it was so unexpected.. i thought probably the young lad david archuleta would win.. haha. but hey, i gotta admit that season 7 was AMAZINGG. loved it. watched it live on star world.. then tuned in again over at channel 5 which was only broadcasted later in the night. so it's like i watched american idol episodes like twice. omgomgomgomgomgomgomg both davids were great actually. lil david has good vocals which melted my heart whenever i hear him sing on tv, big david has this rocker voice and he has good music taste! so both are equally good actually. ah. love the davidss.
Has our conscience shown?
Has the sweet breeze blown?
Has all the kindness gone?
Hope still lingers on.
I drink myself of newfound pity
Sitting alone in new york city
And I dont know why.